Hello Blogwalkers ,
Today i would like to share my story about my friend here, Victoria is her name,oh yes if you wanna know her full name, Victoria Joy Strube (I mentioned it on the topic). She is from California, United States.
I'm kinda happy and sad at the same time (i know it's kinda ambigue), she is leaving us today,just now on 13 : 20 (1:20 pm).
She's the best U.S friend i never had ! She is so different,but if you tell me to describe the differences,i just can't..yes that's why i'm saying she is so different,i just can't tell ! something is just too special about her,i also don't know what is that so special about her,i don't know how to describe it !! ah yes,the conclusion are she is just too special and different at the same time !
I'm happy because finally holiday is coming, final exams has ended,but i'm sad she is goin to leave us ! no,she leaved us (sarcastic) !!
I wanna cry but i can't !
She is studying Sociology in Seattle Pacific University at Seattle,U.S . And i think she really know how to socialize with peoples, she is such a good listener, sometimes sensitive feeling can comes out from her,especially when i tell her my story life (when i tortured Gilbert) also, she cared about the children and sex trafficking in the world.
Fantastic,she got the personality, she got the careness, she got attitudes !
Anyway,she is a great teacher as well. She teached me how to practices sarcasm in English, She teached me how to drink alcohol..And now I know what you are thinking right now, "What kind of teacher is that ? teach such a thing ?"
But you know,experience is the best when it comes to the case-solving ! and we need those experiences in the future to face the cruelness of the world ! we just need that ! and she teached me so patiently,she always say "Steven,come on you can do it !" , "you can do it !" it's simple but it's works !
Okay i think my heart is crying,i really miss her so badly now :'( i can't see her already ! but it's okay,we would meet in the future ! I really hope if i can go to U.S but the ticket is just too freaking expensive !! but it's okay,i knew i will visit it in the future ! I believe i can fly #ehh
But still,she also said coming back to Thailand in the future,she is thinking about teaching English also, and not to mention,she would travel to my homecity !!! MEDAN !! I would like to show her the Biggest Southeast Asia Lake if she really do that ! Cold Weather,Volcano Island,A Succulent Sea, Kind peoples ! Interesting,huh ?! Oh yeah,I'm sure she would love it !
In the end, i Would like to share our photo together here, i hope you guys can enjoy it ! and Victoria,if you read this; please respond this to my facebook post or my wall,anything will do !
Ohhh miss her badly |
Misss heerrrr |
This is she with her burger |
Yuhuuu Alcohol |
I look older here,but she looks beautiful here :)) |